Ada Server Faces 0.4.0 is available

By Stephane Carrez

Ada Server Faces is a web framework which uses the Java Server Faces design patterns (See JSR 252, JSR 314 or the latest one the JSR 344).

This new version brings a serious step ahead towards JSF compatibility. This new version provides:

  • Support for shared or static build configuration,
  • Support for file upload,
  • New components <h:inputFile>, <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam>, <f:viewAction>,
  • New EL function util:hasMessage,
  • ASF now Implements the JSF phase events and phase listeners,
  • Implements the JSF/Ruby on Rails flash context,
  • Adds the pre-defined JSF beans: initParam, flash,
  • Support for locales and honors the Accept-Language,
  • New demos are available in French and English

It has been compiled and ported on Linux, Windows and Netbsd (gcc 4.4, GNAT 2011, gcc 4.6.2). You can download this new version at

A live demo is available at:

Feel free to play with the OpenID stuff!!!

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