Tag - REST

AWA 2.4.0

By Stephane Carrez

Ada Web Application is a framework to build high performance secure web applications. The major change of this new release is a better integration with the Alire package manager. The crates are in the process of being integrated in the Alire Community Index but meanwhile a dedicated index can be used to access the latest AWA crate definitions. Another interesting feature introduced in the new version is the support for Embedded Web Server as an alternative to the Ada Web Server.

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Generating a REST Ada client with OpenAPI and Swagger Codegen

By Stephane Carrez

The OpenAPI initiative aims at defining a standard for the specification of REST API. The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a programming language-agnostic interface to describe a REST API. The Swagger Codegen generator supports more than 28 different languages (including Ada) and it is able to read an OpenAPI document and generate either the documentation or the client and server REST code for several target languages.

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