Tag - Repository

New debian repository with Ada packages

By Stephane Carrez

I've created and setup a Debian repository to give access to several Debian packages for several Ada projects that I manage. The goal is to provide some easy and ready to use packages to simplify and help in the installation of various Ada libraries. The Debian repository includes the binary and development packages for Ada Utility Library, Ada EL, Ada Security, and Ada Server Faces.

Access to the repository

The repository packages are signed with PGP. To get the verification key and setup the apt-get tool, you should run the following command:

wget -O - http://apt.vacs.fr/apt.vacs.fr.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

Ubuntu 13.04 Raring

A first repository provides Debian packages targeted at Ubuntu 13.04 raring. They are built with the gnat-4.6 package and depend on libaws-2.10.2-4 and libxmlada4.1-dev. Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list configuration:

deb http://apt.vacs.fr/ubuntu-raring raring main

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise

A second repository contains the Debian packages for Ubuntu 12.04 precise. They are built with the gnat-4.6 package and depend on libaws-2.10.2-1 and libxmlada4.1-dev. Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list configuration:

deb http://apt.vacs.fr/ubuntu-precise precise main


Once you've added the configuration line, you can install the packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libada-asf1.0

For the curious, you may browse the repository here.