Migrating a virtual machine from one server to another

By Stephane Carrez

OVH is providing new offers that are cheaper and provide more CPU power so it was time for me to migrate and pick another server and reduce the cost by 30%. I'm using 7 virtual machines that run either NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Ubuntu or Debian. Most are Intel based, but some of them are Sparc or Arm virtual machines. I've colllected below the main steps that must be done for the migration.

LVM volume creation on the new server

The first step is to create the LVM volume on the new server. The volume should have the same size as the original. The following command creates a 20G volume labeled netbsd.

$ sudo lvcreate -L 20G -Z n -n netbsd vg01
  WARNING: "netbsd" not zeroed
  Logical volume "netbsd created

Copying the VM image

After stopping the VM, we can copy the system image from one server to another server by using a combination of dd and ssh. The command must be executed as root otherwise some temporary file and additional copy steps could be necessary.

$ sudo dd if=/dev/vg01/netbsd bs=8192 |
  ssh root@master.vacs.fr dd bs=8192 of=/dev/vg01/netbsd
root@master.vacs.fr's password: 
2621440+0 records in
2621440+0 records out
21474836480 bytes (21 GB) copied, 1858.33 s, 11.6 MB/s
2621440+0 records in
2621440+0 records out
21474836480 bytes (21 GB) copied, 1848.62 s, 11.6 MB/s

By compressing the image on the fly, the remote copy is faster (4 times faster). The following command does this:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/vg01/netbsd bs=8192 |
gzip -c | ssh root@master.vacs.fr \
'gzip -c -d | dd bs=8192 of=/dev/vg01/netbsd'
root@master.vacs.fr's password: 
2621440+0 records in
2621440+0 records out
21474836480 bytes (21 GB) copied, 427.313 s, 50.3 MB/s
2621440+0 records in
2621440+0 records out
21474836480 bytes (21 GB) copied, 436.128 s, 49.2 MB/s

Once the copy is done, it's good to verify the integrity of the copy. For this, we can run the sha1sum on the source image and on the destination image and compare the SHA1 checksum: they must match.

$ sudo sha1sum /dev/vg01/netbsd
04e23ccc1d22cb1de439b43535855b2d1331da6a  /dev/vg01/netbsd

(run this command on both servers and compare the result).

Importing the virtual machine definition

The last step is to copy the virtual machine definition from one server to the other. The definition is an XML file located in the /etc/libvirt/qemu directory. Once copied, run the virsh command on the target server and import the definition:

$ sudo virsh
virsh# define netbsd.xml
virsh# start netbsd

That's it, the virtual machine was migrated at a reasonable small cost: the whole process took less than one hour!

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